When it comes to generating high-quality leads and improving conversion rates, having the right tools at your disposal is crucial. That’s where involve.me comes in – an AI-powered online form builder that offers a comprehensive solution for creating interactive forms, quizzes, surveys, and calculators. With involve.me, you can easily design interactive user flows that boost conversion rates and provide valuable insights into your target audience.

Solutions by involve.me

involve.me offers a range of solutions to meet your lead generation needs, custom price quoting, product recommendations, sales funnel creation, NPS® score measurement, and online payment collection. Whether you’re in the real estate, insurance, ecommerce, software, or any other industry, involve.me has you covered.

Generate & Qualify Leads

With involve.me, you can create captivating quizzes, fillable forms, and calculators to produce personalized results, custom price quotes, and tailored product/service recommendations. Direct users to specific outcomes with unique messaging to enhance your contact profiles. By engaging your audience with interactive content, you can gather valuable information and qualify leads more effectively.

Offer Custom Price Quotes

involve.me allows you to publish product recommendation quizzes, product finders, and price quote calculators. By providing your prospective buyers with custom service and product offerings, you can advise them in an engaging way and help them make purchase decisions more easily. The integrated payment forms even enable you to close deals right on the spot.

Recommend Products

Personalization is key in today’s market, and involve.me helps you achieve that. By creating engaging personality quizzes and knowledge quizzes, you can capture your audience’s attention and increase their time spent on your site. With built-in scores, instant feedback, and personalized outcomes, you can provide a unique and tailored experience to each user.

Create Sales Funnels

involve.me empowers you to build entire sales funnels that show custom service and product offerings to your prospective buyers. By guiding your customers through an engaging and personalized journey, you can increase their engagement and improve conversion rates. The integrated payment forms make it easy to close deals and streamline the sales process.

Find your NPS® Score

Measuring customer satisfaction is essential for any business, and involve.me makes it easy with its NPS® score measurement feature. By creating engaging customer surveys and embedding feedback forms on your website or app, you can gain valuable insights into your audience’s satisfaction levels. The detailed form analytics and powerful native integrations help you make data-driven decisions.

Collect Online Payments

With involve.me, collecting online payments is a breeze. The platform offers integrated payment forms that allow you to securely collect payments from your customers. Whether you’re selling products, services, or event tickets, involve.me ensures a seamless and secure payment process.

Applications by involve.me

involve.me offers a range of applications to suit various needs, including quiz maker, survey maker, form builder, calculator builder, funnel builder, pop-up maker, and AI-powered analytics. These applications provide you with the flexibility to create engaging and interactive content that drives user engagement and boosts conversion rates.

Industries Served by involve.me

involve.me caters to a wide range of industries, including real estate, insurance, ecommerce, DTC & CPG, software, manufacturing, HR services, travel, finance, publishers & media, marketing agencies, and education. Whatever industry you’re in, involve.me has the tools and solutions to help you generate leads and improve your conversion rates.

Templates, Integrations, and Features

involve.me offers a wide selection of professional form templates to choose from, making it easy to create branded content quickly. The intuitive drag-and-drop editor allows for complete form customization, from colors to corner roundness and line thickness, ensuring that your forms align with your brand identity. With flexible form publishing options, you can share your forms as standalone landing pages, responsive embeds on your website, or pop-ups with custom trigger events.

The platform also provides powerful form validation rules to ensure clean customer data and offers password protection for individual quizzes, surveys, forms, and calculators. With analytics for data visualization and AI insights, involve.me takes your data analysis to the next level, providing valuable conclusions and recommendations based on your audience’s submissions.

Pricing and Company Information

For detailed pricing information, you can visit the Pricing section on the involve.me website. The Company section provides insights into the company’s background, including information about the team and career opportunities.


involve.me is a powerful AI-powered online form builder that empowers businesses to generate leads, personalize customer experiences, and improve conversion rates. With its wide range of solutions, applications, and features, involve.me offers a comprehensive platform for creating interactive and engaging content. Whether you’re in the real estate, insurance, ecommerce, or any other industry, involve.me hasyou covered. From lead generation to custom price quoting, product recommendations, sales funnel creation, NPS® score measurement, and online payment collection, involve.me has the tools and solutions to help you achieve your goals.

With involve.me, you can create interactive quizzes, surveys, forms, and calculators that engage your audience and provide valuable insights. The platform’s AI-powered analytics offer data-driven recommendations to optimize your campaigns and improve conversion rates.

No matter your industry, involve.me has solutions tailored to your needs. From real estate and insurance to ecommerce and software, involve.me caters to a wide range of industries. The platform’s templates, integrations, and features allow for easy customization and seamless integration with your existing systems.

In conclusion, involve.me is a versatile and powerful tool for lead generation and customer engagement. With its AI-powered capabilities, intuitive interface, and wide range of solutions, involve.me empowers businesses to create interactive and personalized experiences that drive results. Whether you’re a marketer, sales professional, or business owner, involve.me is a valuable asset in your digital marketing toolkit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How can involve.me help me generate leads?

involve.me offers a range of interactive tools such as quizzes, surveys, and forms that capture user information and qualify leads. By engaging your audience with personalized content, you can gather valuable data and convert visitors into potential customers.

2. Can involve.me help me offer custom price quotes?

Yes, involve.me provides tools to create custom price quoting calculators and product recommendation quizzes. By offering personalized pricing options, you can better cater to your customers’ needs and increase conversion rates.

3. How can involve.me help me recommend products to my customers?

involve.me allows you to create engaging quizzes and surveys that recommend products based on your customers’ preferences and needs. By providing personalized recommendations, you can enhance the shopping experience and increase sales.

4. Can involve.me help me create sales funnels?

Yes, involve.me enables you to build complete sales funnels that guide your customers through a personalized journey. By offering tailored content and product recommendations, you can increase engagement and drive conversions.

5. How can I measure my NPS® score with involve.me?

involve.me provides tools to create customer satisfaction surveys and feedback forms to measure your Net Promoter Score (NPS®). By collecting feedback and analyzing the results, you can gain insights into customer satisfaction and make data-driven decisions